This oil is the best choice for better performance on COLTRI Breathing Air compressors, Nitrox compressors (up to 40% of O2) CNG compressors and also Helium and Nitrogen...
Molecular sieves are materials that can separate molecules based on size. This ability is based on the presence in the material of tiny pores of exact and uniform size, with a diameter between 3 and 10 Å...
Union droit mâle 1/4" BSP cylindrique avec portée de joint ED pour tube de 6mm.
Pour les liaisons entre tube de 6mm ou raccord...
Several cartridge models are available depending on the use of the compressor (Select from the list located under the item price):
Union droit mâle 1/4" BSP cylindrique avec portée de joint ED pour tube de 6mm.
Pour les liaisons entre tube de 6mm ou raccord...
It is a material containing mainly amorphous carbon . Thanks to the high specific area, activated carbon COLTRI is able to retain many molecules of other substances inside it, being able to accommodate these molecules on its extensive internal surface...
This oil is the best choice for better performance on COLTRI Breathing Air compressors, Nitrox compressors (up to 40% of O2) CNG compressors and also Helium and Nitrogen...
Molecular sieves are materials that can separate molecules based on size. This ability is based on the presence in the material of tiny pores of exact and uniform size, with a diameter between 3 and 10 Å...
Union droit mâle 1/4" BSP cylindrique avec portée de joint ED pour tube de 6mm.
Pour les liaisons entre tube de 6mm ou raccord...
Several cartridge models are available depending on the use of the compressor (Select from the list located under the item price):
Union droit mâle 1/4" BSP cylindrique avec portée de joint ED pour tube de 6mm.
Pour les liaisons entre tube de 6mm ou raccord...
It is a material containing mainly amorphous carbon . Thanks to the high specific area, activated carbon COLTRI is able to retain many molecules of other substances inside it, being able to accommodate these molecules on its extensive internal surface...
Vanne pointeau en laiton chromé de très haute qualité compatible pour les mélanges sur oxygénés ou oxygène pur.
Ces vannes sont recommandées pour la gestion du remplissage de vos blocs de plongée par une bouteille tampon.
Vanne inox à boisseau sphérique 1/4 de tour 2 voies série industrie compatible pour compresseur air et nitrox 40 %.