The OMS SmartStream harness is a DIR type harness to which you can add, if you wish, several options such as padded reinforcements or weights pockets. It is available in one size and adjusts from XXS to XXL. You can combine it with any plate and wing for any configuration.
The OMS SmartStream harness is available in one size and adjusts quickly to fit all body types, from size XXS to XXL. To adjust the size of the harness, first put the harness on. Then simply pull the waist straps forward, which will tighten the shoulder straps.
Apart from assembly, making adjustments to a traditional harness can be laborious. This is necessary if you are changing from a wet suit to a dry suit for example. This innovation developed by OMS on the SmartStream harness will really make your life easier!
You can use this harness for all configurations, both single and dual cylinder, and choose your wing size. The subcutaneous strap is included and there are plenty of D-rings for attaching all your accessories. As an option, you can add lead pockets, a plate cover and padded shoulder pads for added comfort. You can choose to equip your harness with an aluminium or stainless steel plate.
Enveloppe en Cordura 1000 deniers renforcée à l'intérieur par un traitement en uréthane. Vessie intérieure en polyuréthane.
Fermeture de l'enveloppe par fermeture éclair sur le haut du "fer à cheval".