Capture the finest details with this MARELUX Macro Lens +15 Diopters. It allows you to work at a close distance and provides sharp and detailed shots of your tiny subjects.
Idéal pour monter une lentille macro I-DIVESITE , Dyron, Inon ou Epoque .
Cette bague se glisse sur le hublot d'origine Ikelite sans aucune modification. L'ensemble peut être mis ou enlevé sous...
The Fantasea-AOI UCL-900F is the finest Super Macro Wet Lens available. With a +15 diopter, the UCL-900F surpasses the competition in respect to image clarity, sharpness and detail.
The UCL-900F wet super macro lens magnifies the subject...
The Macro 71 port from Marelux is the essential tool you need if you want to accurately capture small marine animals and coral reefs.
Objectif macro léger pour débutants