Molecular sieves are materials that can separate molecules based on size. This ability is based on the presence in the material of tiny pores of exact and uniform size, with a diameter between 3 and 10 Å...
It is a material containing mainly amorphous carbon . Thanks to the high specific area, activated carbon COLTRI is able to retain many molecules of other substances inside it, being able to accommodate these molecules on its extensive internal surface...
Plusieurs modèles de cartouches sont disponibles en fonction de l'utilisation du compresseur (Choisir dans la liste située sous le prix de l'article):
Pour robinet avant 2020
(ref : SC00450; SC00460; SC00470)
It is a material containing mainly amorphous carbon . Thanks to the high specific area, activated carbon COLTRI is able to retain many molecules of other substances inside it, being able to accommodate these molecules on its extensive internal surface...
Tous les joints sont à remplacer à intervalle régulier et particulièrement le joint de...
Several cartridge models are available depending on the use of the compressor (Select from the list located under the item price):
Bouchon femelle pour raccord Coltri.
Idéal pour obturer une sortie de compresseur Coltri
Ce flexible Haute-Pression équipe de série les compresseurs et stations de gonflage COLTRI.
This safety valve is fitted on the final stage of COLTRI compressors and on some models of COLTRI filling panels
This safety valve is not supplied with the stainless steel...
Tous les joints sont à remplacer à intervalle régulier et particulièrement le joint de...
Pour robinet avant 2020
(ref : SC00450; SC00460; SC00470)