Compresseurs H.P portables

Compresseurs H.P portables

Nous distribuons des stations de recharge Haute Pression, des compresseurs et des stations de gonflage portables pour la plongée sous-marine, l'industrie, les services de sécurité (Armée de l'air, Marine nationale, Armée de l'Air, Pompiers, Gendarmerie...). Nos compresseurs portables COLTRI sont de grande qualité (compresseurs GNV, Compresseurs électriques, Compresseurs Triphasé) ils existent au format compact ou standard selon vos besoins.

Stations de recharge Haute Pression pour la plongée, l'industrie, les services sécurité (frégates, sites industriels) et compresseurs portables.

Active filters

  • Énergie: Electrique monophasé


Please contact us for pricing

COLTRI SMART 315 ET Compressor

The SMART range is one of the most widely distributed machines in the world. Equipped with 2 front-facing flexible inflation outlets, a drive motor, a robust compression block, and...


Please contact us for pricing

COLTRI SMART 235 ET Compressor

The SMART range is one of the most widely distributed machines in the world. Equipped with 2 front-facing flexible inflation outlets, a drive motor, a robust compression block, and...


The Paintball Coltri ICON LSE EM Standard compressor with a 230-240V single-phase electric motor is designed for small paintball structures

The MCH6 Standard range is the most commonly used and preferred due to its small size and reduced weight. This version has been selected by the...


COLTRI Mini Compact 100 EM 2,2 kW Single-phase

Coltri Mini Compact Compressor with 230-240 volts single-phase electric motor

This version of the MCH6 compressor has been developed to meet the needs of High-Pressure air type for breathing air and for small industrial or laboratory processes. It can also be used for Sport Shooting...


COLTRI ICON LSE 100 - 6m3/h electric 230 V engine

About the high pressure COLTRI ICON LSE 100 EM 6m3/h compressor - 230V electric motor

  • The ICON block is designed to last, having been tested thousands of times worldwide in the toughest conditions. This specific version is perfectly sized for...